What Are You Waiting For?
Write Happy — this blog slash entity to be determined — has been in an "initial idea to launch phase" for almost two years now. After leaving a corporate marketing job and going full-time at my family's business, I thought I would have more time each day, week, month to further my writing, originally journalism passion. Trick was, I also thought I would have more time to volunteer with some family members' co-founded non-profit, finally getting a new place and so on. It seems pretty simple in life to fall into a flow and make priorities fluid. While I am literally happy with the choices I have made in the past, as I am here now because of it. For the past week I have been asking myself, "What Are You Waiting For?" in launching this project.
And so the logo had its interim final tweak. ["Write" is my own handwriting and the "happy key" began development in a branding design workshop months (maybe even a year ago) . Interim because I wanted to deploy this project versus fall into an all to common perfectionist trap. [All while I am open to any feedback from my Creative Director friends and family members; and even new acquaintances.] Then relatively quickly picked a Squarespace template connected the domain the site. Now, here we are.
What is this "here?" Well truthfully I am still figuring that out. What "Write Happy" will ultimately be time will tell and my actions will play a role. Right now it is a means for me to act as the name suggests: Write. Also the Happy is to distinguish topics and aspects of life that make me feel so. At the same time, I believe in the nuances of life, the gray matter. Life has a gamut of colors and moments that span the spectrum of Happy and other emotions. While the epitome of Happy will be on show here, there will also be the moments where a degree of fair joy is found.
Shakespeare wrote in "Hamlet" that "Fair Is Foul, Foul Is Fair." At times I find this to be fully relevant, even annoyingly so, and other times not so much. Briefly for this post — and believe I will end up dissecting related thoughts in future posts — this past year my paternal grandmother and maternal uncle both passed away. Their loss was relatively sudden in different scenarios, and in a similarity they both were no longer in pain and hopefully the ultimate form of peace. As much as wanting a physical presence right now there is a beauty considering our relationships have not come to an end and they will endure.
Life is pretty wild to think about it and share thoughts. To go with the cliche saying for children, "Sharing is Caring" and noting it could so simplistically be so true. When we share our stories there is a chance we are empowering our listener. [Caveat: the "why me perspective rants" wouldn't necessarily fall into this category in my "humble-ish" opinion.] Maybe because these listeners, or readers, might have had the same experience, thought they were alone and find comfort in growing together. Or they could even place the story in their life toolbox and if come across such a scenario could proactively or quickly reactively take steps.
So the next step here for me is to experience, read, share thoughts and repeat. Hope you will join me and stay in this journey as long as you want. Also note with the rise of internet trolls and simply those enabling them to exude their hate speech, no comments will be enabled on this blog automatically. All the while commenting is still encouraged, go over to the connect page and share your thoughts. Now if you don't like this element of the blog, well, Icona Pop probably said it best with the lyrics, "I Don't Care, I Love It."